Monday, May 18, 2015

Todays tip of the day is on.......... FASHION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but this isn't any old fashion this is Y.O.U fashion The Y stands for, your make-up TAKE IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are beautiful just the way you are and you don't need to try to be someone else The O stands for open up! when you are at school or work you feel as if you need to be quiet and perfect. When you are home you tend to open up and come out of that turtle shell and begin to see the light, your true beauty light. When you are yourself people begin to see the REAL you and not a FAKE quiet, perfect person. The U stands for unique or as I call it you-nique. Only you can be you and no one else you are UNIQUE!!!!!! So remember modest is hottest and try to apply the Y.O.U fashion (I triple dog dare you!!!!!!!)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

I made this blog for a health project had to do I had to do something inspirational and I thought a blog would be the perfect thing.
if you have a quote or piece of artwork that is inspirational feel free to post it below
the jammin joneses

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

   She stood in the storm, & when the wind doesn't blow her way, she adjusted her sails

I found this quote today and I thought that it applies to all of our lives. When life gets hard or when things go unplanned we tend to become upset or frustrated, but instead we need to adjust our sails.

Today one of my friends put sticky notes all over the bathroom mirrors and locker with uplifting sayings/phrases like
u r awesome
u r amazing
you are loved
u rock
and a lot more. It was a great example to me because sometimes we need motivation and to adjust our sail.
the jammin joneses

Monday, May 11, 2015

day to day adventures

4 younger brothers ranging from ages 2-10 sounds like chaos to me...... well that's my life every day, chaos. But not in any ordinary way, at my house we don't just go on adventures we are the adventure. Take today for example..... I had to stay after school for a NJHS meeting that I had to go to & I couldn't get a hold of my mother so to make a long story short I got a ride home from a good friend and was about 30 min. late getting home. Like the good mother my mom is she called the school trying to get a hold of me and was put on the speakers by accident. Little did she know that she and the conversation with my frustrated brother, doing his math was displayed through the whole school....the office ladies called my mom and when she answered they were in hysterics they were laughing so hard one kind office lady then explained that her and my brother were on the intercom and they couldn't turn it off unless they hung up the phone. My brother was horrified that he and his frustration was heard not only by the office ladies but by the whole school. This happened all while I was driving home, oh what adventures that we are in on a day to day basis.
-the jammin joneses